Tiia & Philip

November 29, 2020 Weddings

Varahommikune pulmatseremoonia Soomaa rabajärve ääres

Tiia Philipi pulmapäev jäi koroonaviiruse esimese tulemise lõppu keset suvist pööripäeva, kui ööd on kõige lühemad ja päevad pikad. Nüüd, tagantjärelel, tundub see tõeliselt ilus aeg - lockdown oli just läbi saanud ning üleüldine optimism säras kõikide silmis. Lisaks jõudis inimestevaheline suhe teatava järgneva tasandini, sest ei iial varem pole kollektiivselt olnud tunne, et me siiski oleme surelikud, millestki muust peale meie endi võib sõltuda meie elu ning et tõelised väärtused on kusagil mujal, kui pangakontol. Rõõm koosolemisest, sotsialiseerumisest ja muidu... lihtsalt olemisest, oli niivõrd suur. Ja seda oli tol päeval ka tunda.

Isegi päikesetõus tundus maailma kõige ilusaim. Ma ei tea, kas see oli tingitud sellest, et oli kodus istutud neli järjestikust kuud, või tõepoolest, see oligi maailma üks ilusaimaid päikesetõuse. Pulmad Soomaal - eks sümbioos mõlemast. Kell oli vaevalt neli varahommikul, kui me Soomaal Tiia ja Philipiga kokku saime. Päike tõusis sellel päeva 04:06 ja me kogesime seda kõike, kuidas loodus silmad lahti tegi ja selle kuldsed kiired kasteheinas sillerdasid. Ma olen küll kogenud lugematul hulgal imelisi päikeseloojanguid, kuid mitte iial sellist päikesetõusu.

Nüüd, kui sellest on mõni aeg mööda saanud, tunnen, et selle päeva kõla resoneerub taaskord tugevamalt. Me oleme taas ühes teadmatus ajahetkes, kus sellel lõppu ei näi tulevat. Loodame, et see kõik on ajalik ja rõõm koosolemisest on taas võimalik. Pildid ja mälestused on siiski ajatud.

Tiia ja Philipi mõtteid.

Inglid, haldjad, näkid

Me and Philip had this rather average idea: let's get married in summer 2020. As an international couple, we invited many of our friends and family from abroad to join us in Estonia for an adventure. Little did we know - 2020 turned into a challenging year to get married or travel at all. The wedding was called off. Sad as we were, no way to even get to Estonia with all the borders being closed.

Three weeks before the official date everything changed. The sky started turning blue again and border crossing started to loosen up. But this did not mean yet that we could have the party we planned. Everything was already canceled. Just in case we decided to ask Peep if he is still available on the originally planned event and maybe we can figure something out as just 2 of us in a bit of a more crazy setting. He was very much on board so 3 weeks before the wedding - no rings, no dress, no guests, not even 100% sure Philip can enter the country - we started to plan a wedding in a swamp!

Mysterious bog wedding in Soomaa, early hours of 27.06.2020
OUR mindset

Our day from sunrise to sunset. Good idea, right? But hold on - who will help us to bring all the missing pieces together in such a short time? With so much uncertainty?

Challenge no. 1: No dress shoes

Solution - get A white dress and use your own 3d printed design (UTOPIA blu by Tiia Vahula and Philip Wilck) + add white dr Martens to the game and you will have a great time.

Challenge no. 2: No photographer

Solution - dig through your Facebook wall and find the most amazing wedding photographer in Estonia just living around the corner from Soomaa. AND he said yes to join us for a sunrize adventure at 4 am!! Thank you Mait for being as crazy as we are.

Challenge no. 3: Will we have music during the ceremony?

Solution: Our friend Rebecca Kontus gave the most amazing sunrize concert that we could possibly wish for. Surprisingly enough her latest song is exactly about the bogs and their mysteries and we were so lucky to have her with us. Check it out in Youtube!,

Challenge no. 4: no makeup, hair.

Solution - who cares? Just freestyle, nobody wants to do your hair 2 am, and seriously - do I really care?

Challenge no. 5: flowers?

Solution - find this local girl from Pärnu with a crazy mindset to help us out in the middle of the night (Flower Lilled, Pärnu, Natalia Shtraler) 

Challenge no. 6: maybe some food? Drinks? No? Yes?

Solution: we bought some picnic blankets, baskets and got this amazing little breakfast put together by WASA hotel kitchen.

Challenge no. 7: whatever - who cares. It was amazing and it is not about the "problems" -it is about the result!

But more than that there were some Surprises - We have obviously crazy dear friends who STILL joined!! There was almost no time to prepare - some traveled from within Estonia, some even from Amsterdam and Munich! Seriously - we cannot be more grateful for everyone who decided to freestyle and just show up. Our dear friend Lucy even got his brother to make a video of the morning (Denis Georgijev) - what a legend! Everybody helped with anything you can imagine to make it happen! We got married! We said yes in front of all the gods and nature, got blessed in so many ways, and would not wish for anything more than that.

The bottom line is - we had the most amazing wedding day and we cannot wait to celebrate in the future separately with all the friends and family who could possibly not join due to obvious covid-19 reasons. No excuses - no regret! Just do the crazy - keep dreaming and dreams will come true if you just let them.

Tiia  and Philip